Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe (Year C )

‘If’ can be one of the most debilitating words in the English language.

We use it to express regrets ‘ if I had only known this would happen I would have done things differently’; we use it to lay blame for being dis-satisfied; ‘if I just buy that bigger screen or if I can get the latest fashion, then my life will be better”. We use it as an excuse to ‘not’ do something – ‘what if it doesn’t work or what if they don’t like me’.

“If’ becomes a means of doubt as well; we hear it all the time, particularly when tragedy or disaster strikes; ‘if God is good, why does He allow suffering’; or, ‘if God exists why doesn’t He just make everyone nice and fix everything that gets broken in our world’?

We might cling to that ‘if’ and use it to challenge God, much the way an adolescent uses the word in a relationship to get what they want; ‘if you really loved me, you would do what I want’.  That’s not love. That’s manipulation, and it emphasizes immaturity and self-absorption by an individual. 

We hear that word, ‘if’ prominently in today’s Gospel from St. Luke.  It may seem strange to celebrate a feast that proclaims Jesus Christ as the King of all creation by reading part of the crucifixion narrative.

We hear how the leaders mocked Christ the King, on the cross;”let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, His chosen one.”

The soldiers join in; “if you are the King of the Jews, save yourself”

Even one of the criminals hanging on a cross beside Him demands the same ‘save yourself and us’ if you are the Christ…..if, if, if.

It is only the other thief, crucified on His other side, who recognizes in this moment, the lowest possible point in his own life, his own brokenness; and it is in this brokenness that he simply says, “Jesus , remember me when you come into your kingdom’. 

It is the one with nothing left to lose, who recognizes that he is completely powerless to change anything around him, who admits his total helplessness, simply speaks in total humility, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’

It is in this absolute low point, this suffering and humiliation that Jesus shows His regal bearing, His Kingship, and His ability to show victory in the face of apparent defeat.

In a response of absolute compassion Jesus tells the man, ‘today you will be with me in paradise.’  Jesus shows the depth of his love for those who come to him in humility by ministering with words of comfort for a repentant heart, even in the midst of his own tremendous agony and suffering.

Like the repentant thief, Jesus waits for each one of us with compassion and love when we come to him in true humility – that is after all, how we would approach a King; with reverence and humility; and because of the victory of His resurrection He invites us into that kingdom to rule with Him, a kingdom which begins here and now.

When Jesus welcomes the thief into His kingdom, He does so to each one of us; He doesn’t say keep to your old ways and we’ll work something out; He welcomes one who has, in that moment, recognized that his old ways drew him further away from God, and that he regrets and repents of those ways – he desires to be with Jesus.  Jesus doesn’t say you will come into my kingdom despite your lifestyle – He says, ‘you will come into My kingdom because you recognized the error of that lifestyle and desire only to be with Me.’

This exchange with the thief encapsulates all of Jesus teaching on how to treat each other; we are to care for and protect and provide for each other, because whenever we do it to anyone, we do it to Jesus.  We see Jesus reflected in the poor, and (hopefully) others see Jesus reflected in us.  In hoping to reflect Christ our King, perhaps we can ask ourselves ‘if’ in a more positive way;

If I share a little more of myself, could I improve someone’s life?

If I use what little influence I have on others to work for justice and peace, could I make the world a better place?

If I recognize my own brokenness, can I expect a response when I humbly ask Jesus to simply remember me when He comes into His kingdom?

The answer to these questions of course, is ‘Yes’, with the help of Christ the King.

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!

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